Wednesday, 10 April 2019
  11 Replies
  6.3K Visits
Recording a demo from within Call of Duty

Make sure the console is enabled in settings (options/game options/enable console)

Open the console using the "Tilde" key (the Tilde key is just below the Esc key)

to start recording type /record demoname

to stop recording type /stoprecord

if you give the demo a memorable name like the name of the player you are recording eg: /record RogerRabbit it will be easier to find on your hard drive. Give each demo a different name RR1 RR2 RR3 etc.

to review a demo open the console and type /demo demoname eg: /demo RogerRabbit and the demo will be replayed
5 years ago
How do you find where the demo recording is at?
Sometimes mine goes in mods sometimes main file, do not ask me why, this is my route to find them.
Attachments (1)
Also it can be in your Virtual store :)
Make a demo - give it a memorable name then you can search for that file name to find it on your PC.
Also it can be in your Virtual store :)

mine always goes to virtual store
mine always goes to the virtual store:D
But 24/7 is different I think to tdm and DM some goes to mods and some goes to main!!!:o
It seems that players are being kicked for hacking but we are not being provided with any demo's. Thank you Roger for reposting this how to guide.
It seems that players are being kicked for hacking but we are not being provided with any demo's. Thank you Roger for reposting this how to guide.

That is actually something I know how to do, :o
1 year ago
Good info. Thanks.
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