Monday, 14 January 2019
  7 Replies
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Evening all,

Just a quick little rant bout the naming rules on the server...

Tonight a long discussion in game bout $kunk and Cocaleaf being asked tochange/being kicked. I get it, it can be read as something drug related BUT askunk is also an animal, and a coca leaf is just the leaf of the cocaplant.

Now for the kicker... Methitis is the latin for skunk. METHitis... ok... noproblem ? Not for me, but the logic is the same... and what with POPPY ? Samedifference.

IMHO, get that rule sorted out because it is interpreted, applied in too manystrange ways.

Rant over.


Cat: waiting on the badge :-)
With all due respect to what has been said, surely the things is not to have any names that could offend players, Ray I see what your saying about some names but I can't really see a player calling themselfs coco leaf! Skunk maybe but but to err on the whole as offensive can seem like overkill but having played online gaming for so many years (in fact I think I shot Noah many time back in the day)

I have seen many names and as time has gone on have been appalled by the names some try to use and also by some of the name calling to others players I have witnessed. I will always ask a player to change their name if I think its anti social or offensive, OGHF has a good name as TubeSlayer said because of its safe server that players of all ages can feel comfortable playing on.

I have played on other servers and despair on the ill respect for other players I have been told to get C (word not used) and die after shooting a player or name calling. So I for one thing on the most part these player names arn't in the most part innocent.
99% of all the regular players come back to the server because of our reputation in fairness and runing good games.
And this is more than I have ever said before my morning tea!
Peace and love all
We are dealing with a few things at the moment mate. This is one of them. Rest assured we will give it our full attention. We pride ourselves at trying to be a fair and safe and hopefully fun place to play. And if guests start thinking, there is one rule for us and another for them, then this must be addressed to see if it holds water, and if it does, we will address it..

The same rules apply to ALL... With NO acceptions.

Thanks for the thread Ray007.
6 years ago
Tube, Aims,

Just to be clear: I'm not throwing a blame at anyone in particular or admins in general, not at all. I just feel that there could be something good in a simpler interpretation of the rule.

My feeling is that some / many / most (?) players are confused or bothered by what they see (and I'm not discussing the validity) as different rules for external players, OGHF and admins. That type of discussion comes up now and then, and sometimes gets out of hand rather quickly. It can hurt the gameplay and the way players conduct themselves... which is a pity given the general good spirits that live on the OGHF servers.

Again, not blaming, just trying to advance the community.

I was there at the tail end of it. In my mind the the player was taking the mick. He changed his name to a legit one which essentially meant the same thing. While this is annoying its hard to define a fine line. All I can suggest is that us admins have a little leeway with this sort of player and if they are really and I mean really taking the mick then I think a short holiday for them is maybe the answer. I got back into gaming a number of years ago and played a couple of servers before I stumbled across OGHF. What I liked from the start was ethos of the server, a family friendly environment and this has been held up well by the good work the admins do. These players that come on the a server that they haven't even financially contributed to and then take the mick in various ways aren't in my book welcome. That said I have seen players attitudes change once they get to know the clan and server rules etc. So while I would just happily kick these players I think that initially they need a bit of time to change and if they don't fine we can deal with them.
However some need more than just words at times and if they are sailing close to breaking the rules repeatedly then I think we should have a bit of discretion. In this case, I came into the game at the tail end of it all but got the gist of it. I really did feel like kicking the player for being an arse (sorry bad word) but he wasn't actually breaking any rules as such.
Hi Ray007. Your request for this to be looked into and clarified has been noted. We will look at the chat logs to see in what context all this came about. And then have a chat and someone whether it be a Council member or the Head Admin of the TDM server, with get back and make a comment.

I have to add that I came onto the COD4 TDM server while some of this was going on. I didn't interfere as the Senior Admin at the time was dealing with it. But the guest in question to me, seemed to be intent on winding that Senior Admin up with some of the names he was rejoining with, after he had been asked to change a name. Not wise to try and wind an Admin up while doing his job.

However the actual point of your post will be looked into.

Cheers Tube
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