•   chrisboots commented on this post about 6 months ago
    I was banned, and I dont really know why.
    • TC, if the 3rd warning wasnt from U, sorry then.
      I am really upset because I didnt expect to be banned, and it wasnt nice.
      Your faults I was talkingTC, if the 3rd warning wasnt from U, sorry then.
      I am really upset because I didnt expect to be banned, and it wasnt nice.
      Your faults I was talking about R that U killed me many times at spawns which I assume could be a reason of banning me.
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    • I think the B3 kicks you Frank after 3 warnings in a short time probably I am wrong just chill and get back onI think the B3 kicks you Frank after 3 warnings in a short time probably I am wrong just chill and get back on grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  More ...
    • I think the time of warnings expiration is too long. U know next day its another game and yesterdays issues shouldnt carry over.
    • FrankDrebin its beyond me Frank to explain, just try and forget it
    • not worth going to bed mad about a blinking game its all pretend
    • it was just unlucky you got 3w m8 it happens sry you feel bad .all the best boots
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