Monday, 22 January 2024
  27 Replies
  1.8K Visits
Good evening all,
I have had some bad news in that they have found a lump on my prostate gland. I have had a biopsy today and will get the results in a week or so. The MRI suggested that it was a cancerous lesion, but until the biopsy results come through, I will not know how bad.

Thought I should tell you what is going on behind the gaming scene.

Guest set the post as Normal priority — 1 year ago
Guest set the type of the post as  People — 1 year ago
For those interested in learning more about screening, this is a good (but quite technical) article - Screening for prostate cancer

A key takeaway is that it doesn't actually make that much difference to morbidity and there are downsides. Personally, I believe in informed decision making for myself but that isn't for everybody.
11 months ago

That's the best news i heard today!
indeed such a relief <3
That's great, Optimism worked! Glad to hear of your positively negative result... I hate the medical backwardsness :)
11 months ago
Good news that mate.:)

How you perform tomorrow is how you prepare today.

11 months ago
Thanks all,

Guys as you get older it is definitely worth getting a PSA blood test on a regular basis, from your doctors. (As TC has said)

It is a natural occurrence that the prostate enlarges as you age, but a PSA will give early indications of anything amiss.

I did not get a PSA until they had already found the lump and luckily it was normal.

I waited three years for a hospital appointment and things could have been a lot worse.

The MRI they did, suggested a high likelihood of cancer, but this is not a definite diagnosis as I found out later and they can downgrade this.

Wish they had told me that before hand as I was convinced by the MRI report that it was not good and it would have saved me a few weeks of stress.

They have told me that I have BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) which is basically abnormal cells enlarging the gland, which is treatable.

Guess the moral is don't take a chance get it checked.

Apologies to the ladies on this very male issue.:D

That is indeed the best news one can get.

Stay positive and good things come your way.(HearSay)

Cheers Rob. ;)
Great news Twiz. Very happy for you.

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